
发布日期:2018-05-23 12:27:05 编辑整理:湖南自考网 【字体: 】   【点击+添加招生老师微信】




  Translate the following.

  实现美梦 to realize beautiful dreams 大发脾气 to lose one's temper失去记忆 to lose one's memory寻求安慰 to seek comfort来根香烟 to give **. a cigarette保持安静 to keep quiet怜悯某人 to pity **.统治世界 to rule the world证券交易 stock exchange transactions等身画像 life-size portrait手工劳动 manual work恶意的玩笑 practical jokes忧伤的表情 sad expressions 褴褛的衣衫 torn clothes淡淡的笑容 a faint smile** to make money股市 stock markets股东 shareholder

  use the “useful expressions”

  1 模范护士海伦工作既讲效率又有耐心,严格却富有爱心,深受小病人们的喜爱。

  Helen, the model nurse, is efficient but patient, strict but caring, and is very popular with her young patients.

  2 部队断了粮,只能靠野果和树皮充饥。

  Running our of grain, the army had to live on wild fruit and tree bark.

  3 因售后服务好,奇迹牌洗衣机销路很旺。

  The Legend washing machine has a great sale on account of its after-sale service.

  4 由于那部电影大获成功,它的插曲也很受欢迎。

  Since that film scores a great success, its interlude songs are also much sought after.

  5 杨教授搬家时,把许多书给了学生。

  When Professor Yang was moving house, he gave away many of his books to his students.

  6 乔治喜欢把自己的过失归咎于别人。

  George likes blaming others for anything be himself has done wrong.

  7 仅仅过了半年,他就厌倦了公司职员的工作。

  Only after half a year, he was tired of working as a clerk in the company.

  8 我的教授不许我在圣诞节期间在实验室工作。

  My professor would not hear of my working in the laboratory during Chiristmas.

  9 我现在不能作出任何承担,但是我会考虑这件事的。

  I cannot give any commitment at the moment, but I will see about it.

  10 他破产了,只得求助于朋友的资助。

  He went bankrupt and had to go to his friends for financial help.

  Use find, talk and get

  1 在我桌上我发现了一个寻呼机。是你的吗?

  I found a beeper on my desk. Is that yours?

  2 平安到达后请给我来个电话。



本文标签:湖南自考 湖南自考文学类 综合英语(二)上册语法及课后翻译(7)



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