
发布日期:2018-05-23 12:27:05 编辑整理:湖南自考网 【字体: 】   【点击+添加招生老师微信】



  点燃香烟 to light a cigarette 装上镜框 to frame a picture一堆旧衣 a heap of old clothes变成碎片 to fall in bits 情绪饱满 to be in high spirits自言自语 to say to oneself支付利息 to pay the interest捧腹大笑 to shake one's sides with laughter真诚道歉 sincere apologies满脸通红 one's face flushed bright red发表演说 to make a speech搓手 to rub one's hands together私事 private affairs

  1 愿意和我一起步行上山吗?

  Would you care for a walk up the hill with me?

  2 在地震中,我心爱的瓷瓶从橱柜里掉下来,摔的粉碎。

  During the earthquake, my favourite china bottle fell from the cupboard, breaking to bits.

  3 德国人入侵以后,我的老师死也不肯再教德文了。

  Since the invasion of the German, my teacher would never teach German for anything.

  4 在他们父亲的葬礼上,兄弟两个人为死者的钱财争论不休,当众出丑。

  At their father's funeral, the two brothers kept arguing with each other about the dead man's money, thus making fools of themselves.

  5 这份报告第一论点不明确,第二论据也不充分。

  To begin with, the argument of this report is not clear, and second, the grounds of the argument are not sufficient.

  6 在他最后的日子里,吉米虽然很虚弱,但依旧情绪饱满。

  Although Jimmy was very weak in his last days, he was still in high spirits.

  7 汤母无意伤害你,他只是实话实说罢了。

  Tom did not mean to hurt you; he was just telling the truth.

  8 当三位世界著名男高音出现在舞台上时,整个音乐大厅爆发出掌声。

  When the three internationally known tenors appeared on the stage, the entire concert hall burst into applause.

  9 在牛津大学当访问学者时,他有幸会见了不少的大科学家。

  During his stay at Oxford University as a visiting scholar, he had the honour to meet quite many great scientists.

  10 休吉叫了起来:“我绝对没有想到那老模特是个百万富翁。

  Hughie cried:“It never entered my mind that the old model was a millionaire.”

  1 我看了看四周,但在黑暗里我什么也看不见。

  I looked around, but I could see nothing in the darkness.

  2 他把这些年来所搜集的珍贵邮票拿给朋友看。

  He showed his friends the precious stamps which he has col



本文标签:湖南自考 湖南自考文学类 综合英语(二)上册语法及课后翻译(8)



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