
发布日期:2018-05-23 12:27:05 编辑整理:湖南自考网 【字体: 】   【点击+添加招生老师微信】




L1/The Time Message


1.toward the end of the term 即将结束时

2.run out(被)用完,将尽

But toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out.

3.The more time you waste, the easier it is to go on wasting time.

4.get the most out of sth. 充分利用……的机会

5.put into practice. 付诸时间

If you seriously wish to get the most out of college, you must put the time message into practice.

6.allow for 考虑到

Allow for unexpected things.

L2/Hans Christian Andersens Own Fairy Tale


1.seek one’s fortune 跋涉到异土他乡寻求功名和财富

There he took what little money he had, said good-bye to his mother and his stepfather and started out to seek his fortune.

2.be afraid to do sth./be afraid of sth. 害怕做某事

She was afraid to go home.


1.What favour did he ask of the Prince of Denmark one day?

One day he asked a favour from the prince to let him write plays and have his plays acted in theatres.

2.What did the Prince advise him to do?

The Prince advise him to learn some useful skills instead.

3.What was he determined to do?

He determined to follow his dream and establish frame over Demark.

4.Who helped Andersen in Copenhagen? What did he do for Andersen?

A music teacher helped Andersen in Copenhagen. He gathered money from his friends and bought clothes and food for him.

L3/Hans Christian Andersen’s Own Fairy Tale (2)


1.have a good view of 清楚看到

In Copenhagen, Hans Christian lived in an attic in an old house, where he had a good view of the city.

2.feel/be at ease with sb. 与某人相处感到轻松惬意

Hans felt most at ease with children.

3.look upon …as… 把……看做……= consider/regard…as…

I looked upon you as a close friend.

John is looked upon as the



本文标签:湖南自考 湖南自考文学类 考试综合英语一串讲复习资料(1-10课)



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