
发布日期:2018-05-23 12:27:06 编辑整理:湖南自考网 【字体: 】   【点击+添加招生老师微信】



  Use the verb +noun or adj.+ noun collocation.

  面对事实 to face the face收到请柬 to get an invitation接受邀请 to accept an invitation举办聚会 to give a party找出办法 to find a way食物中毒 food poisoning穿上衣服 to get into a dress抚养孩子 to raise a child发酸的牛奶 变rotten milk质的鸡蛋 rotten eggs名人 famous person腐肉 rotten meat

  use the “useful expression”

  1 电脑问世以来,世界发生、了巨大变化。

  Since computers came on the scene, the world has changed greatly.

  2 为了本国儿童的利益,她愿做任何事情。

  She is willing to do anything in the interests of the children in her country.

  3 我的事业对我来说十分宝贵

  my career means much to me.

  4 玛丽16岁就开始当护士。

  Mary started out as a nurse when she was sixteen

  5 清洁工努力同在他工作区居住的人们搞好关系。

  The cleaner tries to get on well with the people living in his working area.

  6 年轻姑娘不化妆时才显得最美。

  A young girl looks her best when she doesn't make up.

  7 这个电视节目风格活泼,很受年轻人的欢迎。

  This TV program has a lively style and appeals to young people.

  8 部队一接到命令,立即开始行动。

  The troops jumped into action as soon as they got the order.

  9 巴德先生找到了一个好办法,能让警察轻易识别出那个通缉犯——把他的头发染成绿色。

  Mr. Budd has found a way for the police to recognize the wanted criminal easily-to dye his hair green.

  10 我要是能不去参加那个乏味的晚宴就好了。

  It's be good if I can get out of that boring evening banquet.

  Use face,call and lie.

  1 那所学校面对着一个美丽的公园。

  The school is facing a beautiful garden.

  2 我们发现他坐在椅子上打盹,他大腿上有一本书敞开着。

  We found him dozing in a chair, with a book lying open on his laps.

  3 那个国家的政府面临着高失业率要应付。

  The government of that country is now faced with a high unemployment rate.

  4 我正在看一封家信,突然听到有人从外面叫我。

  When I was reading a letter from home, suddenly I heard someone calling me from outside.

  5 我决不会把那种事称为英雄行为。




本文标签:湖南自考 湖南自考文学类 综合英语(二)上册语法及课后翻译(16)



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