
发布日期:2018-05-23 12:27:06 编辑整理:湖南自考网 【字体: 】   【点击+添加招生老师微信】



  Use the verb + noun or adj. + noun collocation

  准备晚餐 to prepare dinner切断电源 to cut off the power切断供水 to cut off the water supply发射导弹 to launch missiles发动进攻 to launch an attack交换意见 to exchange opinion交流 to exchange experience面如死灰 ashen face首要问题 primary problem核武器 nuclear weapons核电站 nuclear power station核能 unclear energy闩门 to latch the door.

  use the “useful expressions”

  1 请今晚注意收听重要新闻。

  Please keep your radios tuned for important news tonight.

  2 当琼斯太太抓住那个男孩时,他不敢正视她。

  When Mrs. Jones caught that boy, he didn't dare to look her in the eye.

  3 科布教授讲课的特征是讲的飞快。

  It is typical of professor Kirpu to teach very fast.

  4 你不能按审计的要求计帐,就不能算是一个好会计。

  You can't call yourself a good accountant if you can't keep account according to the auditors' instructions.

  5 在边远地区,还有大批学龄儿童不能上学。

  In remote areas,a great number of school-age children are not squared away for school.

  6 警察向司机明确指出,他必须确切地描述事故发生的过程。

  The policeman made it plain to the driver that he must give an exact account of the process of the accident.

  7 已经告诫本地农民,今年有可能发生水灾。

  Local peasants have been warned of the possible fold this year.

  8 法庭认为没有必要传讯更多的证人,打算在近期结案。

  Seeing no need for summoning more witnesses for interrogation, the court intends to close the case soon.

  9 她既耐心又坚定地作出努力,要拆除挡在她儿子和其他孩子们之间的那堵墙。

  She has made patient and firm effort to break down the wall between her son and other children.

  10 怀特一家人担心要是他们不付房租,房东就会把他们轰出来。

  The Wrights worry that if they don't pay the rent, the landlord will turn them out.

  Use leave,send and turn.

  1 当我给他打电话时,他已经离开办公室了。

  He had left the office when I phoned him.

  2 空袭警报使人们纷纷往自己的家跑去了。



本文标签:湖南自考 湖南自考文学类 综合英语(二)上册语法及课后翻译(13)



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