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Chapter 18 the Economy 美国经济

1. The U.S is by far the biggest industrial country in the world.It is first in such advanced field as computers, space, nuclear energy and electronics.到止前为止,美国是世界上最大的工业国,在计算机,宇航,核能和电子等先进领域居世界首位。

2. Now American has more than half of the European market in transistors, oil refining,farm products,telecommunications,and computers.现在美国的晶体管,炼油,农产品,通讯和计算机占欧洲市场分额的一半多。

3. The U.S has less than 6% of the world’s populatinon.Yet it products about 25% of the total world output.美国拥有不到6%世界人口,却生产出占世界总产量的25%的产品。(2001,23题已考)

4. The U.S has a free-marked economy with a dominant private sector.The privately owned and operated businesses, including farms,produce about 85% of the total output of goods and services. Of course,the government has always been an important element American economy.美国经济是以私营为主的自由市场经济。(2002,44)

5. In the postwar years government involvement was again emphasized when the U.S adopted the Keynesian theory in running the economy. But the American economy was still plagued by stagflation. In the early 1980s,under the Reagan Administration, the traditional Keynesian theory was replaced by new monetarist policies.二战后美国采纳了凯恩斯理论来管理国这经济,再次强调政府于预。但美国经济还是出现连年的经济滞胀,于是,在80年代初期,在里根政府的领导下,传统的凯恩斯理论被新的货币主义所代替。

6. The cultivated land in the U.S makes up 21% of the total land, and people who are engaged in farming make up only 2.7% of the total population. Yet the U.S grows nearly one fourth of the world’s grain and supplies a half of all the exports of grain in the world. It is the world’s leading exporter of agricultural products.在美国,耕地占国土总面积的21%,而从事农业生产的人口只占总人口的2。7%。然而,美国还生产出占全世界近1/4的粮食。美国是世界上最大的农产口出口



本文标签:湖南自考 湖南自考文学类 英语国家概况精讲:第十八章美国经济



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