
发布日期:2018-05-23 12:27:13 编辑整理:湖南自考网 【字体: 】   【点击+添加招生老师微信】


Chapter 20 Education 教育

1. It is a general view that every American has the right and obligation to become educated. American believe that ,through education, an inspanidual acquires the knowledge, skill ,attitudes and abilities which will enable him to fit into society and improve his social status. Education helps to shape the society and develop the national strength。在美国,人们普遍认识是,每一个人都有受教育的权利和义务,通过受教育,人们可以更好的适应社会,提高自身的社会地位,教育有助于塑造社会,增强国家实力。(2000,46题,一句话回答)

2. Formal education in the U.S consists of elementary ,secondary and higher education, Elementary and secondary education,which forms public education, is free and compulsory.美国正规的教育由初等,中等和高等教育组成,初等,中等教育属公立教育,是免费和义务的。

3. In American ,there are more public elementary and secondary schools that private ones, while private colleges and universities outnumber public ones.在美国,公立中小学比私立多,而私立大学比公立大学多。

4. Under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S Constitution, education was included among the responsibilities which were “reserved to the states or the people:.根据美国宪法第十修正案,教育是:保留给各州或人民:的责任之一。

5. There is not a national system of education in the United States, It is the state that establishes policies for the education within its boundary, so many variations can be found in the education system of the 50 states.美国没有全国统一的教育体制,而是由各州为自己辖区内的学校制订,所以50个州的教育体制相差很大。

6. Elementary and secondary education in the U.S covers 12 years for ages 6 through 18, All the states have laws that require children to go to school, generally until the age of 16, unless they are severely handicapped.美国初等和中等教育共12年,从6岁到期8岁,所有州要求孩子们上学上到期16岁,除非他们严重残疾。

7. In American, the total support



本文标签:湖南自考 湖南自考文学类 英语国家概况精讲第二十章美国教育



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